Metaphysical Musings

Kimberly shares some of her inspirations on her spiritual (and quite physical) journey. From ascension studies to yoga sutras, she draws meaning and material from life. Rich with the compost of emotions and struggles, impoverished Who-Am-I ego bashing, and moderated Middle Way vipassana will litter this path with markers of which way have I come. Enjoy, be inspired, and comment if you desire.

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Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

DNA: Means of Communication and Healing

Scientists have shown that under stress our DNA contracts, making its magical markers less available to the body. When we feel love, the DNA expands. Expanded DNA leads to physical healing.

Throw in another idea: the DNA, in its spiral configuration, much like wires wrapped in a spiral around a metal or glass bar, creates a magnetic field (Reference Gregg Braden's Fractal Time).

Crystals, another means of storing and distributing energy are found in the Earth's crust. If you haven't seen pictures of the Cave of Giants, start here.

Then we know about the magnetic grid around the planet, emanating from the poles. The magnetic grid of the planet is in constant flux and has been weakening over the past decades, and is weakened further during times of solar flares, affecting weather patterns, human moods, and of course electronic communications.

Remember from high school science class and trips to science museums (OK, I love this stuff!) how metal filings create shapes around a magnetic field. Add another magnet and the shapes change.

So, here's my point: The Earth is in communication with us physically through magnetic fields interacting with our DNA. We receive from the Earth. We send to the Earth. We are connected through these interacting magnetic fields.

Drum roll. If you want to create healing on the planet, improve the weather, improve the outcome of all manner of things, open your heart. It is the proven way to make the gift of the DNA available for all of us.

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