Universe: Friend or Foe
Albert Einstein is attributed with saying “The most fundamental question we can ever ask ourselves is whether or not the universe we live in is friendly or hostile. “ Quoted in Morris Berman: Coming to Our Senses (1989)
I think this is a very interesting question. Do I trust the Universe and allow intuition, guidance, serendipity, going with the flow, or must I stand strong in my own intentions and actions, gathering what I may in case the proverbial stuff hits the fan?
It seems to me that if the Universe is friendly, then there would be natural balancing events in nature. Such is the balancing cycle of oxygen and carbon dioxide: Animals emit carbon dioxide and take in oxygen. Plants balance that by emitting oxygen and taking in carbon dioxide. Water comes down as rain and cycles back into the clouds as evaporation. Plants die, producing organic fertilizer for the seeds they dropped, allowing the plant to return the next year.
If the Universe is friendly, then there are mechanisms that return life where there had been destruction. Look at the inevitable grass growing through cracks in sidewalks and macadam. Look at the return of trees to the Mt St Helens volcano area. Look at the return of trees to the Blue Ridge area that just 20 years ago were destroyed by Gypsy Moths.
If the Universe is friendly, then there is a larger beneficial perspective to horrible-seeming events. Whatever destroyed the reign of dinosaurs on Earth, though catastrophic for the dinosaurs, ushered in a world hospitable to humans. The last great ice age – bitterly cold and destructive of crops and lifestyles, made possible the migration of peoples onto this continent; then when the Europeans arrived, some of them found life-saving help from the indigent peoples.
From a larger perspective, we might see the devastation of hurricanes, floods, droughts and other weather events as also beneficial in some way, ushering in a new sense of community, rebuilding with better, greener technology. Likewise, the devastation of ethnic violence or the betrayal by business or government leaders ushers in a new consciousness of integrity and oneness of all peoples.
Where do you stand on this fundamental question? Universe: friend or foe? If friend, how do you allow the Universe to move through you? Intuitions, inspirations, chance events, the guy in the elevator, the phone call asking you to volunteer, the song that reminds you of an old friend. How do you act on these, how do you allow and embrace these whispers of the Universe, of your oldest and bestest best friend.
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